Sunday 24 April 2016

Evaluation of the project progression

    The project we have been working on this term, titled "Beauty and the Brand", was about understanding in depth the hair and makeup concepts for fashion and beauty and how they are developed from being just an idea till its realisation. We were required to research and to outline a makeup brand, paying particular attention to its 5P's (Product, Presentation, Packaging, Price point and Promotion). The goal of the entire project was the understanding of our and and peers chosen brands in order to achieve a deep perception of the brand.
    When I first read the brief I was really excited to hear that with this project we are going to focus on a completely different field of makeup and hair design, meaning - Fashion.Working in Fashion Industry is what I am aiming for. The most interesting part of this project for me was creating the designs for all 3 categories (advertising, editorial and Runway looks) and developing the ideas to its fulfilment. I enjoyed the practical parts of the project, when I can create, touch and make things happen with my own hands. The satisfaction of seeing the result of something that I have made with my own hands, in which I have put a lot of effort, is priceless! 
    During our practical sessions I have developed new techniques and improved skills that I already had. In particular I can affirm that I have achieved a lot of technical skills regarding the hair styling. Knowing how to create Beach hair, Sleek ponytails, finger waves and how to use accessories in hairstyles, I believe is going to be of a very big need and really useful for my future career. Unfortunately, I think that out makeup practical sessions weren't as strong as the hair sessions. The only techniques I have learned and I am definitely thankful are the ones regarding the Skin. I achieved knowledge in how to create matte and dewy skin and thanks to our guest speakers I learned skills for how to create perfect skin for a runway look and how to achieve perfect lips in little time. I wish we were taught more in detail how to create perfect eyebrows or how the contouring of the face depends on the shape of the face, as we did for the lesson where we were taught the technique of how correctly to apply the eyeliner. 
    For this project, I have particularly researched information on the famous photographer and makeup artist- Ellis Faas and her brand that namesakes the name of it creator. In addition I researched several worlds famous Fashion designers- as Alexander McQueen, Gareth Pugh, Val Garland, and I have also looked in depth at the Spring/Summer 2016 Trends and I have analysed the images that inspired me for the accomplishment of my work. All these aspects have actually served as inspirations for my own designs and also helped me to understand and further develop the concepts for my own work. Due to these researches I have earned knowledge that served not only to conclude the brief, but also for my personal growth.
   I believe that the most successful part of my project is the practical part. I am very happy and even proud of the looks I managed to create, especially with the Editorial and Advertising looks. The images I created look different from the ones I have created for my previous projects and I believe that the growth, the confidence and the overcome insecurities are noticeable. I have improved a lot my technical skills in post-production and this is another accomplishment for me. 
    I had several problems during this term with this project. First of all, a big issue for me was that Ellis Faas is a brand that doesn't "shout out" as MAC or Illamasqua or other brands from which we had to choose. I would define it more as a "Silent" Brand and I guess this is the reason why I had difficulties in finding all the information I wanted from the very beginning. It is an interesting and unique in its own way brand, but the information I could find about it is basic in my point of view and I found it very hard to go in depth with my research. I tried different approaches, as for example emailing the company, or search information in other languages, hoping that this way I would be able to expand my research, but it didn't help much. I think it affected my research in a certain way even though I tried to solve this problem by logically analysing the products, the Editorial and Advertising images, by looking for reviews and publications on social network and carefully reading and analysing the official website of the brand.
    Overall, despite all difficulties, this project helped me grow not only from a professional point of view but also on a personal level. If I would have the chance to complete the project again, I would probably choose another brand and I would create more outcomes, as this was my favourite part of this project.

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