Tuesday 5 April 2016

Ellis Faas- "A family affair". The inspiration of the artist

    "A family affair" is a short film created to cite Francis Bacon. The Artist used her brother as canvas for this masterpiece.
    "As a late teenager, I visited the Tate Gallery in London and was blown away by a Francis Bacon triptych. It made a great impression on me because of the use of colour - it was unnerving and stunningly beautiful at the same time. Bacon inspired many experiments I did over the years. I now think it has become something of my own and hasn't much to do with Bacon any more." -explains Ellis.
   After watching the video I have made a research on the artist who inspired Ellis Faas to create this short film: Francis Bacon was an Irish non-literal painter known for his intense, twisted, sincerely charged and crude symbolism. His painterly dynamic figures are commonly separated in glass or steel geometrical confines, set against level, uninspiring foundations. Bacon took up painting in his mid 20s however worked sporadically and vulnerability until his mid-30s. He floated as an exceedingly complex bon vivant, gay person, card shark and inside decorator and creator of furniture, floor coverings and lavatory tiles. He later conceded that his aesthetic profession was postponed in light of the fact that he spent too much time searching for topic that could support his advantage.
    But one thing that most interested me was: What exactly of his works inspired Ellis Faas to create this short film. So I looked at different works created by the famous Artist and I have noticed a huge similarity between the looks created by Ellis in this film and the Portraits created by Francis Bacon.
    Bacon started to paint self-portraits fanatically, on the grounds that 'individuals have been biting the dust around me like flies and I've had no one else to paint.' Perhaps for the maturing craftsman self-representations offered an approach to go up against his own particular mortality, as well. In some of them, concerning illustration in Self-Portrait, 1973, the unmistakable wristwatch is a piercing indication of the progression of time.
   Be that as it may, new individuals to paint were impending found. Bacon had as of now met Peter Beard, an acclaimed design and natural life picture taker, in the mid-1960s however the resemblance of the good looking young fellow just shows up in Bacon's oeuvre from 1975 onwards. In 1976 Bacon got to know John Edwards and painted him much of the time from that point on.

     Francis Bacon’s triptych of his great friend Lucian Freud has been kept in private for 45 years. Bacon and Freud met in 1945 through the artist Graham Sutherland and became close if competitive friends, painting each other on several occasions. At one point, they met on an almost daily basis, frequently at their favourite watering hole, the Colony Room in Soho. But their friendship cooled in the late Seventies after an argument.
It is fascinating how accurate and creatively Ellis faas interpreted the understanding of the paintings and the meaning behind them. 


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