Sunday 21 February 2016

Technical file - 60's hairstyle

The 60's hairstyle have left their prints till nowadays. We can still see these retro inspired hairstyles on the red carpets and even sometimes on the street. But what makes this hairstyle to be so loved by the society? The answer is "height".
During a practical session  we were given the opportunity to choose one of the retro hairstyles: the 50's, the 60's or 70's. As mentioned earlier, I have chosen the 60's hairstyle. 

For creating this hairstyle I used:

  • Paddle brush
  • Hot rollers
  • Tail comb
  • Kirby pins
  • Hairspray
First of all I have brushed the hair and sectioned it: from ear to ear section, that I divided in 2 parts by doing a middle section.
   When the hot rollers were hot enough I put the rollers in the front section, directioning the rollers towards the ear from both sides maintaining the middle parting. For this part I have used the medium rollers to avoid the exaggerated volume but still achieving nice, wavy shape.
    Once I have finished with the front, I started to work on that back, working in what we call "Brick work"- to avoid having gaps. On the top of the head I used big rollers to have more volume, while at the bottom I went for medium rollers:

    When the rollers cooled down I took the off, getting beautiful big curls:

I have brushed the hair but still trying to keep the shape of it. The I have backcombed the top at the back to give it even more height, and using Kirby Pins I pinned at the back, hiding the pins. I sprayed the hair a little bit just to fix the rebel hairs and then I have tried to arrange the front section. 

The front hair was way too long for making it look as I actually wanted but it still represents my idea.

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