Tuesday 16 February 2016

Ellis Faas - Product, Packaging & Promotion


   The colours of Ellis Faas make-up are all inspired by the colours that exist naturally in our bodies (all Human Colours): the blood, the skin, the iris of the eyes, the lips, the hair, ecc. The concept then evolves in an almost philosophical phenomenon: the colors of our bodies mingle, overlap and are transfigured in the make-up nature rises to another and becomes art, extravagance, theatre, creativity.

Packaging & Presentation:

Another peculiarity of the  Ellis Faas make-up products is the texture: all textures are liquid or powder-to-cream and are packaged in a packaging that looks like the bullets of a gun! Of the pens are, in reality, all equal to each other; changes only the applicator: brush for the lips, applicator for eye shadow, brush for mascara, brush for foundation. All you have to do is just turn the end of the pen and the applicator soaks the colour, even here the concept is evolving: the pens are part of a compact and tidy "tube"  which becomes a kind of beauty- compact, clean, practical and essential. Instead of using names on the packaging to distinguish products, Ellis Faas uses a very easy to follow letter-number system. E = eyes, lips = L, S = skin. Each number denotes a different shade. The eyeliner and mascara use icons as labels.


    There is charity initiative for children who are in war zones. The initiative is called "Make up not war": those who have used the makeup Ellis Faas will bring the "pens" used, now empty, at a shop selling E. F. range or send them to ELLIS FAAS "Make Up Not War". This explains the reasn why the packaging is structured in that certain way, as mentioned earlier: "Bullets of a gun". The Ellis Faas clips, that are used as pen holders are part of this interesting charity initiative. When the clips are attached together, they form an unique type of holder:

These pens are used by artists (photographers, sculptors and designers) to make works of art that will be exhibited and auctioned. All proceeds are donated to Warchild- who use it to develop initiatives and programs in support of children who are living in areas affected by war. This initiative is a great act of generosity that makes this even more remarcabile brand.


This association was founded in 1993 by film-makers David Wilson & Bill Leeson. Now it is a group of free compassionate associations, working over the world to offer kids some assistance with affecting by war. War Child International as of now comprises of three actualizing workplaces: War Child Holland, War Child North America and War Child UK.
There are actually several famou companies and people that have supported War Child, such as: "Soho House Group", "Burberry" , etc., and Ellis Faas makeup brand is part of them too.

I personally think that this is not only a good way to promote the company but also a way to show its real spirit and generosity. The cruelty is an aspect that this brand avoids and even fights against. This is also shown through this:

All Ellis Faas items are "cold-bloodedness free", which has formally been recognized by PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals . Actually, their suppliers quit utilizing creature tried fixings much sooner than that turned into a law. Other than that: most Ellis Faas items are suitable for Vegans, aside from the mascaras (beeswax) and Creamy Eyes (beeswax) and two or three Lips that contain Carmine . Everything else is veggie lover, so all Hot Lips, all Eyeliners, all Lights, all establishments, all Concealers, all Blushes, all Compact Powders, all Glow Ups: Everything is vegetarian!!!

Price Point:

The decision to use "human colors" was innovative and is absolutely the Price point of this line! I can see all of these colors working with every skin tone. The second Price point is the repute that it comes in pens dispenser. That is a makeup artist's dream! Do not you dread carrying around a heavy, clunky, cumbersome kit? To have an entire kit fit in a coffee mug is something I'm still trying to get my head around. They run make special clips That you can use to connect the pens! I am absolutely singing the praises of the Ellis Faas line. The quality of the products, the thought That went into the packaging and colors, etc,are just all-around exemplary!

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